New Student? No Problem. - Podcast


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New Student and Family Programs has a new podcast for new and current students! We will be discussing the ins and outs of being a new student – things to do, tips and tricks, insider scoops and more. Follow @uarkwelcomeweeks so you can be the first to know when the next episode drops! 

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Season 3 - New Episodes 

Coming Soon (Fall 2022)!!



Season 2

Bonus Episode 19: R.O.C.K. Camp 2022 Experience (April 28, 2022) - 20 minutes

In this episode, we met with Dr. Matt Meyers, the Associate Director of New Student and Family Programs, and Caleb Brown, a senior undergraduate student and R.O.C.K. Camp Innovate Mentor. This episode breaks down what camp is, when camp is, and other exciting details about camp. Registration for summer 2022 opens on May 4th. Visit for more information or visit @uarockcamp on Instagram to see pictures from previous summers. 

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Bonus Episode 18: Housing (March 15, 2022) - 26 minutes

New Student, No Problem kicks of Season 3 with a special episode about housing! We spoke with Megan Witherspoon Evans, the Associate Director for Residence Education, and Caroline Wagner, a current Resident Assistance in the Northwest Quads. This episode covers how to pick what residence hall is best for you, how to find a roommate, what Resident Assistances are, and so much more! Check out for more information about the housing department. Don't forget to stay updated with the New Student and Family Programs office by following us on Instagram @uarknsfp! 

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Episode 17: University Programs (August 23, 2021) - 32 minutes

Happy first day of classes! Today our guest is Fernanda Alcantara the President of University Programs, and we chat about all things UP. Listen to this episode to find out how to get involved with our on campus programming board and to learn about all their events that are FREE to you!! For more information and to look at their events check out HogSync and their Instagram @uparkansas!

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Episode 16: A-Week - (August 9, 2021) - 25 minutes 

Ahh move-in is less than a week away and we cannot wait to have you on campus. A Week happens August 16-22 and is designed to help you make friends, make connections, learn about the University and have fun. Today's guest, Callie Free, is the graduate assistant over A Week so she has all the knowledge. Listen to this episode to get excited and learn how to navigate the awesomeness of being a Razorback! Don't forget to check out @uarkwelcomeweeks on Instagram and head to for all the deets!

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Episode 15: Living in Fayetteville - (July 26, 2021) - 54 minutes

Not only are you experience the transition to college, but you are going to be moving to a new town. Listen to today's episode as I sit down and talk with Abby Wiatrek, a grad student at the University of Arkansas about how to make living in Fayetteville the best experience. Today we talked about things to do, places to eat and SO much more.

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Episode 14: Living on Campus - (July 12, 2021) - 38 minutes

Today we chat with senior Communications major and Senior RA, Caroline Wager. We cover topics like what its like to share a bathroom with people, what not to pack, how to make the most out of move-in and so much more. Head to for more information on what you can and cannot have in your room. Don't forget to follow @uarkhousing and @ualeadhogs and then head on over to the Instagram search bar and follow your hall too!
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Episode 13: Eating on Campus - (June 28, 2021) - 35 minutes

Today we chat with Cate Mertins a junior at the University of Arkansas from right here in Fayetteville. Cate is spending her summer interning at Chartwells, our on campus dining services. This episode gives you the inside scoop on all things eating on campus from new places to eat to what a meal trade is and so much more. If you are wanting more info and some good accounts to follow, head to Instagram and follow @foodonthehill_ar and @arkieeatswell!
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Episode 12: R.O.C.K. Camp - (June 14, 2021) - 30 minutes

Join us today as we talk about R.O.C.K. Camp here at the University of Arkansas. Not only does today's episode dive into what R.O.C.K. Camp is, how to be a part, and more, but the podcast and it's purposed is introduced and explained. We encourage you to listen to hear a little more about what happens at the University of Arkansas to help make your transition here a little easier. If you are looking for more information regarding R.O.C.K. Camp head to or check out @uarockcamp on Instagram!
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Episode 11: New Student Orientation - (June 3, 2021) - 32 minutes

In this episode, we talked with a senior from Katy, TX - Noelle Chesser. Noelle is involved with a variety of things on campus and on top of that is an orientation leader. Take a listen to learn more about what orientation looks like this year at University of Arkansas and learn some tips on how to make your orientation experience better, too. Stay tuned as we post throughout the summer all about being a new Razorback!
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Season 1

Episode 10: Graduating Student Leaders - (May. 25, 2021) - 19 minutes

For this episode, two graduates of the U of A sent in some reflections of their time of being a student leader here. Erin Womack and Sean Rhomberg were both involved as students and wanted to share what they learned and their takeaways. Listen to this short episode to learn about what being a student leader at the University of Arkansas can do for you! 
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Episode 9: Food + Fayetteville - (Feb. 26, 2021) - 43 minutes

Today we talk with senior social work major, Emma Wiederhoeft, about food. After listening to this episode, we hope you have a list of new places and new foods you'd like to try. Head to our Instagram, @uarkwelcomeweeks, to get linked to all the awesome accounts we talk about on today's episode! And if you're interested in being a guest, we would LOVE to have you...hit us up!
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Episode 8: Volunteering On Campus- (Feb. 15, 2021) - 44 minutes

This week we chat with Eliza Fulton a senior here at the University and the president of the Volunteer Action Center. Listen to here about all the opportunities to get involved in a variety of different ways. Follow @uavac on Instagram for all the up-to-date info and links to help you get involved.

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Episode 7: Working On Campus- (Jan. 26, 2021) - 31 minutes

Today we talk with junior, Caleb Brown about what it is like to work on campus. Listen to this episode to learn more about finding a job, possible jobs that are out there, the job fair coming up and more. Don't forget to check out the Career Development Center ( and stop by the Job Fair (
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Episode 6: Welcome Back - (Jan. 13, 2021) - 21 minutes

We are back and excited to be sharing all the things with y'all. For this episode, our guest, Callie Free, filled us in about Welcome Weeks - the first two weeks of every semester. Welcome Weeks are happening now and Callie tells us the who, where, when, why and how of getting involved with the festivities. Head to Welcome Weeks website ( or their Instagram (@uarkwelcomeweeks) to get full details of everything happening.
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Episode 5: Long Distance + College - (Dec. 7, 2020) - 31 minutes

In this episode we talk with sophomore Nick Waltke, a Management and Leadership major from St. Louis, MO about his experience with having a long distance partner, friends and his relationship with his family while he is away at school. Even if you don't have a long distance relationship, this episode hits on balancing being social and being on your phone, how and when to go home, conversations you may need to have if you find yourself going long distance and more.
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Episode 4: Discussing Mental Health in College - (Nov. 18, 2020) - 39 minutes

In this episode, we chatted with Dani Poquette, a Junior Marketing student and former Junior Leader for the Sophomore Council, about her mental health journey freshman year. The University of Arkansas is lucky to have CAPS, which has TONS of resources for mental health and overall personal wellness. Head to their website and see what can help you be your best self.  Know that you are not alone and there are so many people cheering YOU on!
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Episode 3: First-Generation College Students - (Nov. 2, 2020) - 35 minutes

In this episode, we get to celebrate First Generation College Students at the University of Arkansas. We chatted with four different first-generation students as they shared tips, tricks, resources and their stories of what their journeys look like as a college student. Whether you are a high school senior scared of making your transition, a seasoned college junior needing a little extra help, or simply a first-generation student ally, this podcast has something for you.
The University of Arkansas will be virtually celebrating the National First Generation College Student Day on Monday, November 9, 2020. For additional resources head to to see resources and even coloring pages & Zoom backgrounds!
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Episode 2: Living on Campus.  (Oct. 14, 2020) -  36 minutes 

For Episode 2 of 'New Student? No Problem' we have our very first guest and tackle the conversation of living on campus. A Graduate Assistant from Housing talks with our host about how to be an engaged and active resident. Give this episode a listen to make the most out of your living on campus experience and hopefully get a laugh or two out of it too. 
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Episode 1: Being in the Know. (Oct. 2, 2020) - 28 minutes

The very first episode of 'New Student? No Problem' from the University of Arkansas where we will tackle the ins and outs of being a new college student. Today we talked about 'Being in the Know".
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